Harsh Pain Clinic


More About Slip Disc Pain Treatment

Many people are suffering from back or neck pain, but it is difficult to find the exact cause of every back pain. If a patient suffers from back pain with radiating pain in legs, with pain exacerbation with spine movements, then it could be the result of slipped disc or slip disc or disc prolapse or Spinal disc herniation in spine. The spinal

discs are found between the vertebrae bones in the spine

Causes of Slip Disc pain:

– Excessive loading of spine i.e. repeated forward bending, lifting heavy weights, bending forwards and sidewards, heavy exercises, etc.
– Loss of elasticity of discs with age
– Injury or trauma

In disc slip, there is tear in annulus fibrosus and gel like nucleus pulposus comes out into epidural space, generating compression over existing or traversing nerve roots or produce severe inflammation with chemical irritation of nerve roots. This irritated or compressed nerve, produces Sciatica-pain like symptoms in lower limbs.

A slipped disc pain is very bad. But the symptoms usually go away on their own within less than six weeks in most people. Also not every slipped disc is painful. Some disc bulges heal on their own and do not cause symptoms. Slip Disc Pain Treatment can be done by following the expert guidance.


Symptoms Of Slip Disc Pain:

a. Sudden, severe sharp-shooting pain (Sciatica) in one or both lower limbs in lumbar disc prolapse.
b. If it occurs in the neck area, the pain might radiate into the arms, hand.
c. In rare cases, numbness in the buttocks, urinary incontinence, constipation or signs of paralysis may develop in addition to the pain. These symptoms are signs of “cauda equina syndrome” and are a medical emergency.


Spinal Disc Herniation or Slipped Discs are classified according to severity:
– Disc Prolapse or protrusion: The disc bulges out between the vertebrae, but its outermost layer is still intact.

– Disc Extrusion: There is a tear in the outermost layer of the spinal disc, causing spinal disc tissue to spill out. But the tissue that has come out is still connected to the disc.

– Disc Sequestration: Spinal disc tissue has entered the spinal canal and is no longer directly attached to the disc.
Usually it subsides on its own within 4-6 weeks, but if it is still present, then patient needs to see a Spinal Disc Pain Treatment Specialists in Jaipur.

MRI spine is indicated in following cases:
– Numbness or paralysis in one or both legs
– Impaired function of the bladder or bowel
– Unbearable pain despite treatment
– Severe symptoms remain for 2-4 weeks despite treatment
– If suspicion of another cause of pain e.g. tumour, infection, etc.


is by clinical examination mainly. X-ray of cervical spine can be ordered to rule out bony abnormalities. MRI cervical spine is used to rule out disc prolapse, nerve compression, spinal stenosis, etc

For details of treatment, consult Spine and Pain medicine specialist Dr. Sanjeev K. Sharma.